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Christmas Gift Ideas: DIY

After an interesting week of finals (let’s just say I’m glad it’s all over), I am finally on break from school until January 17, 2012! That means a few weeks of holiday fun and relaxation. Needless to say, I’m ecstatic!

In the spirit of the holidays I’ve decided to do a post on Christmas gift ideas. Not just ANY gift ideas, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) gift ideas! I know when some people hear, DIY, they automatically assume its someone’s way of being cheap and expect something that has as much artistic thought behind it as a  Kindergarten  play-doh project. Well, they’re wrong! DIY gifts can be just as good as something you purchase from a store. Also, its way more personal and can be more time consuming (making stuff is not always quick and easy!).

If you feel like being creative, have a little time on your hands, and want to give someone a gift you’ve made, then here are a few ideas for you!

As I stated in a previous post (I was SEW surprised!), I recently received my very first sewing machine. I plan to use it over my break to make some decorative pillows for my mom and a shirt for my sister. If you have a sewing machine, you can get some fabric from your local crafts store (I personally have a secret obsession with Hobby Lobby!) and create something for someone on your gift list! The possibilities are endless! You can make apparel, decorative pillows, blankets, scarves, etc. You can choose fabric that’s a color that person likes or even get some fabric that has their favorite team on it (My mom has requested a Saints pillow!).

                                                   Handmade Scarves 

Sports related items 

Decorative Pillows 

Another idea is to do a painting or drawing. I have always loved drawing and painting as something to relax my nerves. I have painted several canvases for my room décor and even painted a fleur-de-lis canvas for my mom as a Mother’s Day gift last May. I just completed a large canvas painting for a family member as a Christmas gift yesterday. I cannot wait to show them!

                                               Painting I did for my mom                                      

Another one of my creations 
                                 A little something I did for the Fashion Bible :)  

You can paint or draw ANYTHING! This is another idea where the possibilities are endless! And paint/supplies aren’t expensive! You can get paint, a canvas and brushes for less than $20! If you go to Hobby Lobby they have packs that come with 2 canvases for $5.99! That’s a steal! You can even get a t-shirt and paint on a t-shirt. I’ve bought fabric paint for 99¢! You can get a plain t-shirt from anywhere for less than $10 and let your creativity flow!

                                       shirt I made for my favorite Saints player    

They were sold out of this shirt so I made my own :) 

A big trend right now is handmade jewelry, especially earrings. Once again, you can go to Hobby Lobby or Michael’s and get the items needed to create your own unique looks as gifts. If you know someone that loves to accessorize (I sure do!), then this is the perfect way to give them a gift that you know they will love! I’ve never made my own jewelry…yet (It’s definitely on my to-do list though!) but I have received a pair of earrings my sister got custom made for me for my 25th birthday. I was very excited and appreciated my sister getting something made just for me!

My Custom earrings from my Sissy :) 

There are hundreds of other ideas for DIY gifts that you can make! Whether you build something, paint something or sew something, letting your creativity flow and showing a loved one that you took extra time to give them a gift that was personal, will definitely make you feel very fulfilled during the holidays! I know I felt so good after completing the piece that I’m giving as a gift. It felt so personal and from the heart.

Even If you don’t end up making your own gifts, just keep in mind that the most important thing is that you give gifts that are from the heart and that the recipient will love! Word of advice: when it comes to gift quality, don’t give a gift you wouldn’t want to receive! LOL Put some thought into your gifts! It makes the actual gift giving so much better!

Good luck on your gift shopping/making and have a happy holiday!!



  1. Think I will be making myself a shirt for my 1st Saints game on MNF. Wait, this post was about gifts for others huh? Oh well. Thanks for the idea. LOL

  2. LOL You're welcome! Lemme know how the shirt comes out!


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