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So I spent the majority of Thanksgiving sleeping! LOL I was a little under the weather so my medicine had me out of it until about 530 pm! However, I did wake up long enough to eat at about noon but then immediately went back to sleep. Once I woke up for about 5:30 (technically, my mom woke me up LOL), I was feeling much better and ready to eat again. I ate and spent time with about 12 of my family members, including my 2 godchildren.

At about 730pm, I actually put on real clothes (I spent the day in pajamas), and prepared to go Black Friday shopping. I said all this week I was NOT going out there, but my auntie Randi & my sister Kelly talked me into it. So a little after 8pm we headed to our first stop: Wal-Mart. OH. MY. GOD. The chaos in that store was unbelievable. People were arguing, fighting, stealing, pushing, etc. all over some $2 DVDs, $90 TVs and $30 DVD players. I sat in line for three and a half hours for a TV that was on sale. Why? Because it was the TV we wanted to get for my mom & stepdad as a Christmas gift! Sweet, huh?

                                             Mom & Mr P'S TV from Kelly & Me 

I sat on Aisle 9 of the grocery department right by the pickles and olives. We were given coupons that guaranteed us a TV at midnight. We were also given a set of guidelines for the line. We had to get passes for the restroom and would be timed. We were officially back in elementary. I found a way around that though, got my sis to take my place while I used the restroom! In your face Wal-Mart!

                                                      Wal-Mart's Black Friday Rules

No one on my aisle lost their minds, but we would get stories from others about the fights happening in other parts of the store. There were fights over laptops, cameras, and toys. The cops were running like crazy people trying to diffuse the situations. We were in our own little safe haven among the pickles, olives, and salad toppers. No fighting, no arguing, just sharing random stories about our lives or aimlessly surfing the web on our cell phones. I kept my twitter followers up to date on my Black Friday experience (which many appreciated b/c it was pure comedy) until my phone flashed that 10% battery remaining warning, then that came to a screeching halt! LOL
                                        By the pickles with my little cousin Jawayne
(p.s. that scarf Im wearing is a Michael Kors scarf that I scored at Ross recently. It was a scarf & hat set for.....are you ready?.....$24.99! My mom bought it for me and said "Merry Early Christmas!" LOL) 

Anyway, after waiting for three and half hours, we were finally given our TVs at midnight. People were actually cheering! I refused to join in because I still had to go find a checkout line to stand in! Luckily my sister was in line and I was able to just slide in with her. We finally left Wal-Mart a little after 1am.

My Black Friday was not over though. We went home, but then got word that another Wal-Mart nearby was practically empty! We hopped in the truck and raced over there! LOL We were able to get a few more things that weren’t available at the other store. After shopping there, we dropped off the goods at home then headed to Sam’s. Yes, we went to another store! We stood outside in what had to be about 30 degree weather, and waited for Sam’s to open its doors at 5am. That was the longest 45 minutes of my life! Luckily my stepdad (Hey Mr. P!), had gone out there earlier so we were among the first ten people to get in the store. We were in and out within 10 minutes after successfully finding the all the items we went there for!

                                                               $19 printer! 

You would think we were done, right? Wrong. My aunt wanted to go to a furniture store that was having a sale. So, once again, we dropped off the goods at home and headed out to yet another store! We spent about an hour in the furniture and FINALLY made it home at nearly 7am. TEN HOURS OF BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING! TEN!!!! Needless to say, I was exhausted. I ate a slice of cheesecake and then dozed off soon after. I woke up at about 1:30 this afternoon.

Despite it lasting for all night and midway into the morning, my Black Friday/Thanksgiving night was overall a pretty good experience. I got to do two of my favorite things: spent some time with my family while shopping. However, I don’t think I will be doing that Black Friday debacle again! I think I’m done! Too many people and not enough products or cash registers! LOL

Now it’s time for me to start preparing for finals week (12/5-12/9)!  I have 3 cumulative finals to study for! *screams in horror* Im going to start making note cards this weekend! After Tuesday night/Wednesday morning when I do my post about the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show (OMG I cannot wait!), I may not be posting for a while. I love my blog but my finals are more important! I have to graduate (May 18, 2012!!).  

Anywho, I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and Black Friday! If you’re going to the Bayou Classic, be safe and have fun!



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