Mirror, Mirror on the wall I stare in you and watch tears fall As I try to convince myself of my worth I try to convince myself that Im enough MORE than enough Mirror, Mirror showing my scars Pinpointing all my flaws Should I even look at you anymore Should I even allow you to see me To see ALL of me? Mirror, Mirror Look away I’ll refund you the attention you paid Let me stand here in my skin Allow me to look at myself Every inch of this frame Mirror, Mirror look at me I dont need you to see The true beauty that I encompass The perfect imperfections that make ME that shape ME I will stare you down and win Never will you steal my confidence again I will see what is really there Not the image you portray I see ME and I see my WORTH and I see what you tried to do Im watching you, Mirror -Courtney L (2/17/18) #Worthy #AMirrorCantSeeYourTrueBeauty #SelfConfidence #LoveYourself
Life, Fashion & All The Other Randomness In My Life